Anna-Bella Papp
March 14 – April 13, 2025

Public Opening: Thursday, March 13, 6-8


Anna-Bella Papp (born in Kisjenö, Romania) lives and works in Amsterdam. Recent solo exhibitions include diez gallery, Amsterdam (2024); Modern Art, London (2021, 2019, 2015, 2013); Lateral ArtSpace, Cluj (2018); Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milan (2017); de Ateliers, Amsterdam (2016); Bergen Kunsthall (2015); and Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas (2014). Institutional group exhibitions include Limburg Biënnale, Marres and Odapark, Maastricht (2024); Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney (2022); 34th Sao Paolo Biennial: Though it’s dark, still I sing, Brazil (2021); and Home Is a Foreign Place: Recent Acquisitions in Context, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2019).

Papp’s work is held in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas; Kadist Art Foundation, San Francisco; Caldic Collectie, Wassenaar; Lafayette Anticipations, Paris; and Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.